Awards & Honors

Evaluation Criteria

Technical skill is only part of the evaluation criteria. We also value each pioneer’s consciousness in the chosen category of SDGs and the thought process of how specific SDG values are delivered.




Pass/No Pass will be adopted. Evaluation will mainly focus on the deliverable's completeness and its application to SDGs.


Global Selection:


The Evaluation Committee will review each deliverable based on the below criteria.

Work: application to chosen SDGs, innovation, technical competence, originality and creativity, completeness and coherence, expression and intentionality, etc.

Brief: Writing logic and grammar, descriptive adequacy, sustainability, preparedness, etc.


The shortlist will be presented to the public through the Committee's official channels


Global Selection

Absolute Standard: The awards granted depend on the quality of the deliverables. If the quality of deliverables does not satisfy the criteria, the award will remain vacant. The shortlist for Global Presentation will be adjusted according to the number of award winners and the quality of deliverables.

Grand Award

Gold Award

Silver Award

Bronze Award

Economic Growth Best Award

Environmental Protection Best Award

Outstanding Community Contribution Award

Outstanding Innovative Idea Award 

Social Inclusion Best Award

Individual SDG Awards

* The above awards will be adjusted on the certificates issued according to specific achievements. Certificates will be signed by a representative of the Evaluation Committee.

* Outstanding instructors will also receive awards and certificates.

Outstanding Creative Thinking Award


Team Performance Award